Monday 19 February 2007


I'm finally here!! After 26 hours of travelling I made it to London. It was great to walk out of customs and see Lisa and Ben waiting... all captured on their handy new (and free) video camera. We were all so excited - especially after my flight was 90 minutes late. It was all looking good until we sat on the ground for 75 minutes in KUL, as we were the 9th aircraft in queue to take off. So, after lots of waiting around for them, and flight boredom for me we finally got to catch up. Lisa (always in charge of photos) captured my first official moment in the UK.

After this, we jumped on the tube and headed home to their place. They have a really cute flat in a great location. A quick trip to Tescos for some dinner ingredients and Ben whipped up a lovely first meal in London (actually he could have served cheese on toast and I would have been happy!) The finale of the night.... and the best ice cream in the world - Ben and Jerry's!! The first night at Hotel ala Ben&Lisa is a success!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy......because you've arrived safely. Not happy... you get to have Lisa all to yourself!!