Friday 23 February 2007

Road Trip to Manchester

On the road again... well actually, we haven't been on the road since I got here! Today we headed up to Manchester for a weekend break with Lisa & Ben's flatmates - James & Belinda. The car had been picked up early, so Lisa and I joined James and Belinda to brave the London traffic and take a road trip. Ben had to work, so he was taking a train after lunch to meet us in Bolton for the World Club Challenge game tonight. And, we were very glad that we had stopped in at Tesco's to buy snacks for the trip the night before. Here is what we were faced with:

Traffic was stop start for about the first 3 hours. The directions we had printed had total trip time as just over 3 hours - but it took us 5.5 hours to get there! Obviously online directions don't factor in traffic. Luckily we had also made lunch to have in the car. We arrived just before 3pm and had a few hours to check out the city. Upon a quick peruse of the city guide, we realised that other than Old Trafford and the Man United museum, there is very little to do in this city. We managed to see the sights in less than an hour. Here were some of the higlights.

Saint Peter's Square

Town Hall


We then met Ben at Piccadilly Gardens (I would have taken a photo of the gardens but they've been ripped out for renovations!). Ben and Lisa introduced me to their favourite store - Primark.

This was followed by the traditional pre-footy game meal:

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