Thursday 22 February 2007

A Quiet Day in London

I think that the jetlag has finally caught up with me... today I had a very quiet start. Both Lisa & Ben were working again, so I took the opportunity to have a sleep in and lazy morning. By the time I did this, made some lunch and ventured down to Tesco's for some groceries, it was time to meet Ben after work. We met up at St Paul's Cathedral.

From Fleet Steet, we made our way to Bond St - destination Tiffany's! On the way, we stopped for a quick snap outside the Ritz.

However, before we made it to Tiffany's we were sidetracked the the many wonderful (and yes expensive) shops that line Old Bond St. We stopped in at Omega - where I proceeded to find my next watch. Now I just need to find someone to pay for it! Ben also tried on some very nice watches at Omega and Mont Blanc. It was then time for... Tiffany's! Not as impressive as the New York store, but still fabulous all the same. I tried on a few things, but as with most stores on this street - merchandise is out of my price range. It was still fun all the same. There were a few more stops at Bvlgari, Gucci and Louis Vuitton before the shops shut at 6pm... this was probably lucky for me and my credit card. Ben and I then stopped in for dinner at Carluccio's at St Christopher's place and then headed home.

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