Monday 19 February 2007

Let Loose in London!

With Lisa and Ben both working today, I headed out for some adventures in London. Lisa had a late start so I caught the train with her to Baker St.

She left me on Marlyebone Hight St which is full of quaint boutiques and lots of yummy (and warm) looking deli's. I made it about 2 blocks before a coffee stop was required to offset the cold. This street then intersected with Oxford St and I was in shopping heaven! I finally found a shop I can afford (The Gap) and then made my way to Selfridges. Now, I know some people will struggle to believe this, but Selfridges was overwhelming! It is the most coveted designer shoes and bags I have ever wanted all in one location, with people commonly shelling about 1500 - 2000 pounds every few minutes to buy the lastest 'must have' item! It was also depressing.... because I wasn't one of these people! After a few hours (and that was only 2 floors) of wandering around I took a stroll back to Lisa's work for a visit. Here we are on floor 1 of the London Clinic

After this quick pit stop, it was time to meet Ben. I caught the tube down to St Paul's and we took a walk around Fleet Street. Here is the building where the fire of London originated:
And here is me in front of Australia house:

My feet were now starting to protest at all the walking, so we headed home via Tesco's (we were out of Ben & Jerry's!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My goodness Tash that could have been me standing outside Aus. House 30yrs ago. Seem to also recall a photo by the same post box.. but that was last year!! Keep warm bub...loving the updates.